MehmetCan Yavuz, PhD

Mehmet Can Yavuz Portrait

Post-doctoral ScholarDepartment of Radiology and Biomedical ImagingUniversity of California, San Francisco

( Photo & Video Gallery )

As an expert in data-centric AI for computational radiology, I innovate at the intersection of medical imaging and machine learning. My focus is based on transforming multimodal radiological data into AI-driven solutions that enhance diagnostic precision.


Sectoral Experience

Scientific Research

[Preparing] Morphology of Dramatic Works

Universal and extensible language-vision models for organ segmentation and tumor detection from abdominal computed tomography

Comparison and Ensemble of 2D and 3D Approaches for COVID-19 Detection in CT Images. *Neurocomputing*, 488, 457–469.

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Recent Artworks

I have a unique blend of expertise in art and engineering, with a specialization in animation, video production, and drama. I'm deeply passionate about the art of montage and its significance in cinema, and I strictly adhere to the principles of tragedy in my written works. I also incorporate machine learning techniques in my literary works and animations, actively contributing to the development of these algorithms and regularly publishing my findings in scientific conferences and journals.